Investing in Passion Projects
David Dombrowski IDSA, DMI Director, Head of rdpkOPINN at Haleon Wins Innovation Strategy Award

David Dombrowski is the winner of Trend Hunter’s Innovation Strategy Award for Opportunity Hunting, receiving it for his Passion Projects tactic that encourages his team to invest in one passion project while tying it in with a North Star or dream idea. The process encourages creative thinking and loosens guard rails while filling the gap between dreams and day-to-day responsibilities that must strongly be grounded in reality with feasible solutions.
Inspiring others to redefine innovation guardrails without losing sight of them, David embodies the Innovation Strategy Awards criteria, based on five ideation frameworks that also include categories like adaptive innovation and infectious messaging.
To learn more about our Innovation Strategy Awards, how to apply to be nominated, or to nominate your company or colleagues, visit
References: innovationstrategy